Sunday, 1 March 2015

10 Things immeditealy do for pc/laptop


Getting a new computer is definitely a matter of excitement and you will like to take some important steps you should not avoid with the new PC. Well, you might have been excited enough to tear up the packing and set it up but a few important tasks are there to carry out. So, here is the list of top ten things to do immediately after getting a new PC.

Save the serial number:
Saving the serial number of your new computer is a pretty important task. Take a picture of the serial number and save it into Evernote. You can find the serial number on box or on the device. Saving windows license key is also a good idea for further use.

Checking the surge protector:
It is familiar for a surge protector to lose its effectiveness on the basis of how often the power surges. If you see flashing lights on it, you should get a new one.

Create a recovery disk:
You will face situations many times to start from scratch; thus create a recovery disk in your computer. If your computer does not possess a recovery media, pick your own recovery drive.

Wait for windows update:
Don’t be in hurry to connect internet until and unless windows complete the process of installation. This can take minutes or even hours. But you have no option other than just waiting for the process to be completed.

Install the browser you like:
Choose the web browser you are familiar with to surf websites comfortably. Surfing into a browser you are not familiar with often makes you uncomfortable. So choose the one you like, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or whatever you want.

Clean the junks:
This step can be skipped possibly when you choose building your own windows PC or buy a signature edition computer from MS store as straight windows installations come totally free from excess junk. Boxed PCs need to clear the junk to get rid of the clutter from your hard drive.

Update the drivers:
Updating drivers help you to get rid of unwanted refusals of programs from run. If your PC is working fine, it’s ok but if not, update the drivers to run programs successfully.

Set reminder for warranty expiration:
You should not forget to set your computer for reminding you that it is out of warranty so that you can simply prefer enjoying some servicing from the company during the device is in warranty period.

Installing antivirus and firewall:
Protecting your computer from various kinds of viruses, malwares, spywares and hackers is important especially when you connect your computer from internet. For this purpose, installing strong antivirus and firewall in your device is important.

Custom network settings:
Similarly, customization of network settings is also important to be safe when you connect to your internet. Set advance network sharing settings as per your choice and remember them, don’t forget to turn off file sharing and turn on password protected setting when you don’t want to share your files and folders with others.
